Ever wonder what the Flood Zone designations mean?
Below is a short summary of the Zones and their definitions.
additional information, please click link on the right side of this page, to
visit the FEMA site.
Flood Zone Legend
Zone A - is the flood
insurance risk zone that corresponds to the 1% annual chance floodplains that
are determined in the FIS by approximate methods. Because detailed hydraulic
analysis are not performed for such areas, no base flood elevations or depths
are shown within this zone.
Zone AE - is the flood insurance risk zone that
corresponds to the 1% annual chance flood plains that are determined in the FIS
by detailed methods. In most instances, base flood elevations derived from the
detailed hydraulic analysis are shown at selected intervals within this zone.
Zone AH - is the flood insurance risk zone that corresponds to the areas of
1% annual chance shallow flooding with a constant water-surface elevation
(usually areas of ponding) where average depths are between 1 and 3 feet. The
base flood elevations derived from the detailed hydraulic analyses are shown at
selected intervals within this zone.
Zone AO - is the flood insurance risk
zone that corresponds to the 1% annual chance shallow flooding (usually sheet
flow on sloping terrain) where average depths are between 1 and 3 feet. The
depth should be averaged along the cross section and then along the direction of
flow to determine the extent of the zone. Average depths derived from the
detailed hydraulic analyses are shown within this zone. In addition, alluvial
fan flood hazards are shown as Zone AO on the FIRM.
Zone A99 - is the flood
insurance risk zone that corresponds to the 1% annual chance floodplain that
will be protected by a Federal Flood protection system where construction has
reached specified statutory milestones. No base flood elevations or depths are
shown within this zone.
Zone AR - is the flood insurance risk zone that
corresponds to areas of special flood hazard that results from the
decertification of a previously accredited flood protection system that is
determined to be in the process of being restored to provide a 1% annual chance
or greater level of flood protection.
Zone AR/A; AR/AE; AR/AO; and AR/AH -
are dual flood insurance risk zones that correspond to areas of special flood
hazard that result from the decertification of a previously accredited flood
protection system that is determined to be in the process of being restored to
provide a 1% annual chance or greater level of flood protection. The dual zone
designation indicates that some residual 1% annual chance flooding will occur
after the levee system has been restored and is credited with providing 1%
annual chance flood protection.
Zone V - is the flood insurance risk zone
that corresponds to the 1% annual chance coastal floodplains that have
additional hazards associated with storm waves. Because approximate hydraulic
analyses are performed for such areas, no base flood elevations are shown within
this zone.
Zone VE - is the flood insurance risk zone that corresponds to
the 1% annual chance coastal floodplains that have additional hazards associated
with storm waves. Base flood elevations derived from the detailed hydraulic
analyses are shown at selected intervals within this zone.
Zone X - is the
flood insurance risk zone that corresponds to areas outside the 1% annual chance
floodplain, and areas of 1% annual chance sheet flow flooding where average
depths are less than 1 foot, areas of 1% annual chance stream flooding where the
contributing drainage area is less than 1 square mile, or areas protected from
the 1% annual chance flood by levees. No base flood elevations or depths are
shown within this zone.
Zone D - is the flood insurance risk zone that
corresponds to unstudied areas where flood hazards are undetermined, but
possible. Zone D designation may not be used in Flood Insurance Studies unless
otherwise approved by the Regional Project Officer. It should be noted that the
Mapping Partner is not required to perform a flood hazard factor analysis
subsequent Zone A1-A30 or AE determination even though this information may
currently be reflected on a community's FIRM published in the non-map initiative
Visit the FEMA web site by clicking here.
information was provided via the Kauai Board of Realtors and is subject to